I live by te Sea Contest 2019. Results of the contest.
We would like to announce the results of the contest I live by the Sea 2019. We would also like to congratulate all of the participants for their great work.
165 participants from different parts of the world took part in this edition.
This year, the best photographs together with information about top films and best stories are presented in fabulous Lisbon as part of the European Maritime Days and World Oceans Day celebrations. You can see the photographs at Praca Europa between today, 2 May and 8 June.
Enjoy the movie with the results.
YouTube Today We Have
We selected the top 7 films. Here are the winners.
I live by the sea, we all live by the sea.
We Let the Sea Live.
Glass dreams.
The young man and the sea.
Rubbish in the sea.
We Live By The Sea.
My brackish sea.
We have also selected the top 19 stories. Here are the winners.
CommOcean 2018 exhibition best photos from the 2018
I live by the Sea 2018 Contest WYSTAWA
I live by the Sea 2018 Contest. The top 10 stories.
I Live by the Sea WYSTAWA
6 czerwca 2017 r. otwarcie wystawy w siedzibie głównej Narodów Zjednoczonych w Nowym Jorku.
I Live by the Sea. The top 15 stories
Najlepsze opowiadania w Międzynarodowym Konkursie I live by the Sea. 25 Maja 2017.