I live by the Sea Spring School 2021 entitled: Towards an ocean friendly citizenship.


The I live by the Sea Spring School has been co-designed by Today We Have in collaboration with European partners and community representatives, BANOS CSA, IO PAN, Mare Nostrum and Submariner Network for Blue Growth EEIG, members of the EU4Ocean Coalition. The EU4Ocean Coalition on Ocean Literacy which connects diverse organizations, projects and people that contribute to ocean literacy and the sustainable management of the ocean. Ocean literacy is part of a wider issue of literacy (climate, environmental) that implies understanding of how we influence the ocean and climate and how it influences us which allows us to act and make responsible choices to better protect our ocean and mitigate climate change.

This Spring School is a part of the I live by the Sea Project, an UN partner in the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Therefore, the webinars will reflect on the sustainability issues and will involve the discussions on widely understood Ocean Literacy issues, examples of good practices and lessons learnt from a number of initiatives, with a strong focus on the Baltic and the Black Sea perspectives.

School format: Online. Zoom Platform

School agenda: Between 12 and 14 May 2021, we invite all to join us for three 30 minute long webinars, which will start at 17:00 CET each of these days. There will be an online opportunity to ask questions and make comments on each of the day. Participants will enjoy extra materials and a quiz for these three webinar days. The 3 day long block will be followed by a live panel discussion which will take place on 21 May at 17:00 CET. Participants will have a chance to hear the moderated discussions between the presenters from of Days 1-3.

Dates: 12-21 May, within the framework of the European Maritime Days.


Webinar themes: 

12 May: Sustainability actions in the Ocean Decade and the role of citizen science in the process. The Baltic vs. the Black Sea perspectives.



13 May: The Baltic and the Black Sea Ocean Literacy initiatives as drivers for increasing awareness of ocean issues. Challenges and perspectives. 


14 May: Towards sustainable choices. Fisheries and marine biodiversity. The Baltic vs. the Black Sea perspectives.


21 May: Live discussion panel, on good practices in Ocean Literacy and citizen science, towards becoming a sustainable, ocean friendly citizen.


If you want to get some information and test yourself to see how much you are doing on behalf of the Baltic Sea, please go to this brochure.



Quiz time !!

We invite you to participate in the I live by the Sea Spring School QUIZ.